Arbor Day Tree Bagging Volunteers Finished in Record Time

Every year, the Rotary Club of Wellesley purchases and bags 500 tree saplings for distribution to Wellesley fourth graders. Susy Jordon, Wellesley Town Horticultural technician, hands out the bagged saplings for to Wellesley fourth graders for planting. She also teaches a lesson on Arbor Day conservation while handing out the trees. This year we bagged 500 Pin Oaks. See the video.
This year, we had 23 volunteers help bag the trees in record time. Thanks to Amy Griffin, Susan Zelenko, Lisa Moore, Max Moore, Nora Pou, JoAnn Jones, Peter Jones, Fred Wright, Donna Armentano, Steve Burtt, Tory DeFazio, Joan Sasso, Paul Shellito, Bill Westerman, Phyllis Theermann, Sue Peghiny, Paul Simard, Ellen Korpi, Emily and Meg Shea, Meilin Song, Joy Lin, Odesa Sanchez, Joanne Johnson.
Group Photo:
Donna Armentano and Nora Pou:
Fred Wright and Patrick Hayden:
Pete Jones and Tory DeFazio: