The Rotary Club of Wellesley is proud to present an evening with Brian Moynihan, Chair and CEO of Bank of America, at the Wellesley Country Club on
January 25 at 6pm. Brian's remarks will cover topics such as the economy and the state of the financial industry. The event will be open to the public.
January 25 at 6pm. Brian's remarks will cover topics such as the economy and the state of the financial industry. The event will be open to the public.
The $100 per person registration fee covers the cost of the dinner. This is not a fundraiser and our speaker is not being paid to join us.
Rotary Club of Wellesley
Speaker Series Presents:
An Evening with Brian Moynihan
Thursday Jan. 25, 6-8pm
Speaker Series Presents:
An Evening with Brian Moynihan
Thursday Jan. 25, 6-8pm