The Rotary Club of Wellesley held its seventh Repair Café at the Wellesley Recreation Center.

Steve Taylor and Judy share their success!!
The Rotary Club of Wellesley held its seventh Repair Café at the Wellesley Recreation Center on October 5th. Six coaches and 8 attendees repaired several lamps, converted a lamp to a three-way lamp, fixed a meat cleaver handle, sharpened knives, and taught an attendee her dehumidifier was working as designed. The Wellesley Library set up a “mobile library station” with lots of DIY and “fix it” books. Everyone had fun and helped keep items out of the landfill.
Thanks to the coaches; Bill Westerman, Jim McLaren, Fred Bunger, Douglas Ling, George Roberts, and Steve Taylor; host Frank Rowbotham, and Jennifer Rixon the librarian.