At the Rotary Meeting on October 1st at the Wellesley College Club, the Jill Creevy and Douglas Ling from the Wellesley Softball Field Improvement Committee updated the club on its progress raising funds.
For the past two years, players, coaches and parents have come together as the Wellesley Softball Field Improvement Committee and have been working on a plan to improve the quality and safety of our softball fields, which includes making Lee field MIAA compliant.
The design plans for Hunnewell II & Lee fields include:
(1) Dugouts and other player amenities.
(2) Fencing, scoreboard, storage, and improved drainage for the fields.
(3) Improved seating, safety, and access for spectators.
(4) Modification of Lee Field to create a Massachusetts Interscholastic Athletic Association (MIAA) regulation-sized playing field.
The Town has committed $750,000 to the project. The Committee has less than $75,000 to go in order to reach $250,000 by the end of September so that construction can start this Fall! On-line donations are welcome at
The Wellesley Softball Field Improvement Committee and the Capital Campaign operate under the aegis of the Wellesley Little League, Inc. The support of WLL is greatly appreciated.